We’re increasing the push toward the release, and I’m now spending precious time looking into the why our Rails Stack is leaking workers. My initial research suggested that these workers could be sent a SIGABRT to get them to throw a stacktrace and exit - this hasn’t worked however.
I’ve been planning to change from the current stack UbuntuProvidedRuby1.8.7+Apache+Passenger to RVM+REE+NGINX+Passenger for a while. With the prerequisite testing done that our app works with the new stack. I’ve decided that rather than attack this problem head-on I’ll use this opportunity to switch and then tackle the problem again if it shows up.
Update: After changing the stack it appears to have stopped leaking workers - that’s a positive outcome to a problem I can’t afford the time to look into in more detail. Additionally the before and after performance tests are in: