CSS Design: Learning from scratch
I’m not a graphic designer. But my use of Twitter has done exactly what I’d hoped and been a focus for my thoughts. As an individual if I want to pump out an impressive web site I have to be able to do every part of it. Unfortunately that means being able to implement a CSS design. Admittedly you can rely on sites like OSWD, OpenDesigns and OpenWebDesign for a while, or you could buy a commercial design. There is also some good base templates around, but in the end though you’ll need to customise those designs at the very least, and at the very worst you won’t find something you need.
With this in mind I decided that it was high time that I created some simple designs of my own, using the best techniques I can manage. They won’t be perfect, but they’ll be a starting point. I’ll post my first results in a couple of days. In the meantime I’m very interested to talk to people that do Web 2.0 designs and pick their brains as to the right way of doing things.